Volumes |
Editorial Board |
Scope & Submissions |
Contacts |
ISSN 2785-4124 |
Scope and Aims |
Mycological Observations is an international, online only, bilingual (English and Italian), open-access journal treating all aspects of taxonomy, systematics and evolution of fungi. |
Alongside papers of international standing, it also publishes articles of lesser standing with the aim of helping novice mycologists to grow and of contributing to local mycological activism and research.
To this aim, the magazine offers the “Rubrica di micologia dai territori“ (a Column of Mycology from the territories). Italian mycologists belonging to the Federazione gruppi Veneti (FGV) (a Federation of Venetian mycological Groups) can also use the pre-formatted descriptive sheets of the FGV. |
Our history |
The journal Mycological Observations, aka MycolObs, was founded in 2021 from an initiative promoted by a group of mycologists gahered under the informal name GMV (Gruppo Micologi di Verona) and its first volume, issued on november 15, 2021, was published in the website of the Gruppo Micologico e Naturalistico DLF Verona. Since volume 6, issued on March 8, 2023, the journal is on its own website (https://www.mycolobs-journal.org). |
Submissions - Instructions to authors |
All materials must be digitized and submitted electronically to Mycolobs@gmail.com. |
The manuscript and legends must be in a Word file, ideally in Microsoft Word. Tables should be submitted ideally in a Microsoft Excel file or embedded as tables in the manuscript; missing data in tables should be indicated with an emdash for missing, or n/d (not determined) or n/a (not available), depending on the type of missing data.
Illustrations, either line drawings and pictures, should be in RGB with a resolution of at least 300 dpi or higher and must be submitted separately (ideally as tif, jpg or png files), not embedded in Word files. Images intended for the full page, longer than wide, must have a ratio of 25:18.5; images intended for half page must have a ratio of 20:14 or 20:13.3.
Phylogenetic trees must be submitted separately in an editable format, ideally as pdf or Powerpoint files or in Adobe Illustrator, never as pictures. |
Authors are required to send original unpublished articles and they have full responsibility for their content and truthfulness. The corresponding author has the responsibility that all named authors have agreed to publication of the work, and that the manuscript does not infringe any personal or other copyright or property rights. |
The content should be structured in paragraphs as follows: Title, Key words, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results or Taxonomic Part, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References. Key words should ideally contain not more than five terms in logical order; Key words must not contain terms already present in Title or Abstract. |
Accepted languages for the manuscript are English and Italian. Words not belonging to the language of the paper, like latin terms or expressions, and scientific names of any rank
from genus below
must be placed in italic. |
In morphological descriptions, measurement ranges should be formatted as in the example: (9.4) 10.3 – 12.0 × 3.6 – 4.9 µm, on average 11.0 – 11.5 × 4.1 – 4.4 µm. [the hyphen sign is ASCII (decimal) 150; the times sign is ASCII (decimal) 215]. To describe the shape of microelements such as spores and cystidia solid geometry terms will be used when they are described in a three-dimensional surface (e.g. spores ellipsoid, ovoid) and plane geometry terms when they are described in a two-dimensional surface (e.g. spores in front view oval, in side view elliptical). |
Herbaria and fungaria can be cited by their acronym according to Index Herbariorum which is referenced as:
Holmgren PK, Holmgren NH (1998) [continuously updated] Index Herbariorum: A global directory of public herbaria and associated staff. New York Botanical Garden’s Virtual Herbarium. Available from: http://sweetgum.nybg.org/ih/
| |
References in the text must be cited either in the form "Singer (2000)", "Singer (2000a, b)", "Singer & Smith (2001)", "Singer et al. (2002)" or in the form "(Singer 2000)", "(Singer 2000; Singer & Smith 2001)", "(Singer et al. 2002)". In references with more than two authors "et al." should be used after the first author's name. |
References in the paragraph References must be listed in alphabetical order by author name; in references with more than three autors "et al." may be used after the third author's name. Journals may be abbreviated according to the International Plant Name Index (https://www.ipni.org/). DOI numbers will be placed on the next line. Each reference will be indented with a special hanging by 0.6 cm. Citations should be as follows in case of articles:
Voto P, Lebel T (2022) Coprinus arenicolens ('arenacolens') Cleland, a morphological revision of its retrieved type. Mycological Observations 5(3):5–10
In case of books the publisher and place of publication are needed:
Rayner RW (1970) A mycological colour chart. CMI and British Mycological Society, Kew, Surrey, UK |